Nevada Governor Forecast & Polls
Steve Sisolak beat out former Attorney General Adam Laxalt with a 4% victory in 2018. Now, he’s running for a second term, and he’ll face off against GOP Sheriff Joe Lombardo, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department head. The Nevada Interactive forecast shows the latest polling and projections for the race, updated daily. It also breaks down the race in detail, including interactive maps showcasing the Nevada political landscape, approval ratings for both candidates, and the latest fundraising.
RacetotheWH launched in the 2020 election cycle, and our forecast was one of the nation's most accurate. It called over 93% of races right, and outperformed almost all its top competitors at predicting the final margin in close Senate races. We’re projecting the result for all 34 Senate Races up in 2022.
RacetotheWH is already forecasting the entire 2021-2022 Gubernation Cycle. Click here for the national picture.
Senate Forecast
Predictions for the 2022 Senate Election, by one of the nation’s best forecasters. Updated after every poll.