Oregon Governor Forecast
Click here for the National Senate Forecast
RacetotheWH Forecast & Interactives
Republicans are hoping to take advantage of a midterm cycle and finally win the Oregon governorship for the first time since the 1980s. They nominated Christine Drazan, an experienced politician in Oregon politics who used to be the former Minority Leader for the State House. Fittingly perhaps, she’s running against her democratic counterpoint in the State House, Speaker Tina Kotek. Polling indicates an upset is possible. On September 29th, we upgraded the forecast to start including third-party candidate Betsy Johnson, who is far more formidable than that traditional independent candidate.
RacetotheWH launched in the 2020 election cycle, and our forecast was one of the nation's most accurate. It called over 93% of races right and was more accurate than all of its top competitors at predicting the final margin in close Senate races. We’re projecting the result for all 34 Senate Races up in 2022.
RacetotheWH is already forecasting the entire 2021-2022 Gubernation Cycle. Click here for the national picture.
House 2022 Election Forecast
Latest predictions for the House 2022 Elections, updated daily.