2022 House Election - Michigan
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Home of thirteen congressional elections, voters in Michigan could end up deciding the winner of the House Majority, especially if the 2022 election cycle ends up being closer than expected. In the Michigan 7th and 8th, Dan Kildee and Elissa Slotkin will fight to survive a potentially challenging cycle - a feat that’s looking more feasible thanks to their considerable advantage in fundraising. In the 10th, Republican John James is running for an open seat against Carl Marlinga. James lost his bid for a Michigan Senate Seat in 2018 and 2020, but distinguished himself as a strong candidate, outperforming expectations according to Lakshya Jain’s model to asses candidate quality by 4.8% in 2018 and 0.5% in 2020.
Finally, in the Michigan 3rd, Peter Meijer risked his career to vote for impeaching Donald Trump after his attempt to overturn the election led to the January 6th riot. He lost his nomination, thanks to the combined efforts of Trump and a spending spree by the DCCC because they thought his opponent, John Gibbs, would be easier to beat. Gibbs faces Scholten in the general election.
RacetotheWH launched in the 2020 election cycle, and our forecast was one of the nation's most accurate. It called over 93% of races right and outperformed almost all its top competitors at predicting the final margin in close Senate races. We’re projecting the result for all 34 Senate Races up in 2022.
RacetotheWH is already forecasting the entire 2021-2022 Gubernation Cycle. Click here for the national picture.
Senate Forecast
Predictions for the 2022 Senate Election, by one of the nation’s best forecasters. Updated after every poll.