House 2022 Election Polling Average
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RacetotheWH is tracking all the polling for the 2022 House Election. As primaries begin to heat up, the nominees remain far from clear, so we’re showing every potential General Election matchup. Every day, the latest polls are added to the average. We’re also tracking polling for the Senate and Governor elections.
In the polling average, more weight is given to polls:
1. With larger sample sizes
2. That are more recent
3. From pollsters with a good track record.
Corrections are made for pollsters' historic bias.
RacetotheWH launched in 2020 and correctly anticipated that Democrats would win both the Senate and White House as early as May, and that Biden would narrowly win Arizona and Georgia as early as June. On average, it was closer to the final result than the traditional gold standard, Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight.
House 2022 Election Predictions
Follow the latest predictions for the US House in our interactive election forecast, updated daily.
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