New Hampshire Senate Predictions & Polls
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The Granite State is once again at the center of the political universe in 2022, and Republicans see it as one of their four best pickup opportunities for the Senate. It’s a high-stakes election, in an year where the GOP needs to gain only one more seat to take the majority. However, don’t be surprised if the state bucks national political headwinds. We live in one of the most partisan eras in recent memory, but New Hampshirites still care a great deal about the individual candidates and frequently split their ballot. In 2020, voters overwhelmingly re-elected both Democratic Senator Shaheen (by 17%) and Republican Governor Sununu (by 30%). Senator Maggie Hassan’s’ campaign got a big break when the GOP’s dream candidate, Governor Sununu, decided to pass on the race and run for re-election.
In the last primary of 2022, Republicans opted to nominate General Don Bolduc. Bolduc has made the case that America needs a break from career politicians, a point he accentuated with his frequent attacks on Governor Sununu, who he has accused of being a communist sympathizer and supporting terrorism.
The forecast track everything you need to understand the political battleground in the Granite State, including maps, fundraising, a snapshot of the last election, and the state of the primary. It's updated every day, with data straight from our National Senate forecast, which was one of the most accurate in the nation in 2020.
RacetotheWH is already forecasting the entire 2021-2022 Gubernation Cycle. Click here for the national picture.
Senate Forecast
Predictions for the 2022 Senate Election, by one of the nation’s best forecasters. Updated after every poll.