The Race to Vaccinate America

Created by Logan Phillips

RacetotheWH Forecast & Interactives:

Created By: Logan Phillips

Updated Daily - America has come a long way since last winter, but vaccination efforts began to stall in much of the country as the calendar turned to June and July. Now, the virus infections rise again because of the delta variant, vaccinations efforts are as important ever, especially in the South East. Anthony Fauci has suggested that when 70-80% of the country is vaccinated, we will have reached herd immunity.

All three vaccines have been proven to be remarkably safe, historically effective, and have very minimal side effects. You can read more about the vaccine here. The data presented here is collected directly from the Centers for Disease Control 

RacetotheWH is running a 2022 Senate Forecast that predicts the results of the election in every state. In 2020, our forecast was one of the nation’s most accurate, almost perfectly predicting the results of both Georgia Senate Races months before the final election.

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Senate Forecast

Predictions for the 2022 Senate election. In 2020, our forecast was one of the nation’s most accurate, almost perfectly predicting the results of both Georgia Senate Races months before the final election.

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