Interactive Features & Forecast
Live - The 2022 Senate Forecast
An early prediction for the 2022 Senate Election, Updated Frequently
Republican Primary Power Rankings
Power Scores for all the Contenders in the 2024 Republican Primary
Joe Biden’s Approval Rating
How Popular is President Biden? Our polling average, updated daily, shows his current support on a national level and in every state where polling is available. You can also compare him to former President Trump.
Live - The 2024 GOP Primary
Explore the political landscape of the 2024 Presidential Primary, with polling, approval ratings and more.
Top Ten Most Endangered
The Ten Senators Most Likely to Lose Re-Election in 2022
Projections for Every 2022 Senate Race
Projected Margins for Each State, and Each Parties Chance of Winning.
Race for NYC Mayor
We track the latest polling in the NYC Mayor Race and give power rankings for every candidate. We also show fundraising, NYC voters’ opinions of the candidates, and even follow how much voters are googling the contenders.
Race to Vaccinate America
We use the latest data from the CDC to show how far each state has come in its efforts to vaccinate its population. Find out which states are the fastest, how close they are to herd immunity, and their rate of acceleration over time.
Popularity Contest: Democrats vs. Republicans
How do voters feel about Democrats and Republicans in Congress? We average the polls to find out, and track the change over time.
From the 2020 Election Cycle
The 2020 Presidential Election Forecast
Our Forecast for the 2020 Election - One of the Most Accurate in the Nation
The 2020 Senate Election
In our 20’ Senate Forecast, we were one of the nation’s most accurate in projecting the final margin in each state
Live - Georgia Senate Forecast
Predictions for the 2022 Georgia Senate Runoff, Updated Daily
Projections for Every State - Presidential Forecast
Trump and Biden’s Approval Ratings
Approval/Favorable ratings for Donald Trump and Joe Biden in every state leading up to the Presidential Election
Projections for Every State - Senate Forecast
The Presidential Upset Index
Broke down the states most likely to see upsets on election day.
The Methodology
Read about the methodology behind the 2020 Presidential and Senate Forecast!
Impeachment Tracker
How many Senators are considering impeachment? We tracked the voted, updated daily throughout the trial.
Simulate the Senate Election
Simulates the results of the 2020 Senate Election. Still active - and will upload ten new simulations every hour.
Polling for the 2020 Presidential Election
All polling for the 2020 Presidential Election
Simulate the Presidential Election
The Presidential Forecast was run 50,000 times a day. This feature shows you ten simulations - and a new ten are still uploaded automatically every hour
Live - Georgia Runoff Polls
Polling Averages and Every Poll Released in Georgia Since November 3rd.
Senate Polling
A full list of all Senate Polling, and polling averages, for the 2020 Election
Compare 2020 to Past Presidential Elections
Election Night
Preview of what election night will look like, hour by hour as the polls close.