Impeachment - Vote Count

By: Logan Phillips

Updated Frequently

On the week of February 8th, the Senate will consider whether to convict Donald Trump for inciting the riot that stormed the capitol and threatened the very heart of American Democracy. Unlike the last round, this time there is a genuine possibility that the Senate could convict President Trump, which would almost certainly prevent him from running for office again. In addition to judging the President’s culpability, Senators will weigh thorny questions about the legality of trying a President who has already left office.

This is the first vote tracker at Race to the WH, and it's a feature we're considering bringing back for future landmark votes of the Biden Administration. Here's how we did it:

We started with the assumption that every Democrat is a “Likely Yes”, and every Republican is a “Likely No”. Those Republican Senators that made comments suggesting or directly stating they are open to impeachment have been moved to Unsure. Likewise, the same is true for Democrats that firmly stressed that they needed to see the evidence before making a decision.

Many Democrats have emphasized the need to impeach and convict the President for the threat he posed to Democracy - they have been moved to Yes (this means they are almost certain to convict). Some Republicans have made it clear they are firmly against the impeachment process and intend to vote to acquit - they have been moved to no.

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